A downloadable game for Windows

The Game

Neon switch is a simple but addicting multiplayer game where 2 players must compete against one another and be the first to gather 5 crystals each round.
Unlike most 1v1 games where you simply destroy your opponent in order to win, in Neon Switch the main goal is gathering crystals. However, destroying your opponent will remove 1 of their crystals, making it a viable strategy and keeping them further away from victory.

How to play

You control 1 of 2 pods, each on their respective part of the screen. The pods have the ability to shoot gravity altering projectiles that can interact with the items placed in the middle. The twist is in the ability to change gravity modes, which allows the pods to send or bring items to any play-field as they desire.

Use boxes crush your adversary, send timed bombs or maybe even send crystals as bait to then destroy them.


In order to play the game you'll need 2 ps3 controllers with the program ScpToolKit installed.

Game Jam

This game was made by a team of 5 in a 48-hour local game jam (MAD game jam 2018) and won the 1st Prize. The theme was Gravity


MGJ NeonSwitch.rar 20 MB

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